This page is for Iwate University students that want to improve their English.  Below you will find information about options for you.  Please click on the + sign to expand the options.

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English Time

What is English Time?

English Time (ET) is a 30-minute one-one-on time with an English instructor. You can do English conversation practice, support for English presentation practice, English composition checks, etc. You can consult with them about anything related to English study. If you don’t know how to learn English, if you are struggling to improve your English you are welcome to join us.English Time 英会話の練習、英語プレゼンテーション練習の支援、英作文のチェックなど英語ネイティブの先生が個別指導しま

English Time schedule is held in the 1st and 2nd semester. Teacher schedules change every semester. You can sign up for English Time or see teacher schedules at the following QR code. ETは前期と後期に行われます。教師のスケジュールは各学期ごとに変更されます。ETの申し込みや教師のスケジュールは、以下のQRコードから確認できます。

    QR code here

Foundation of English

What is Foundation of English (FoE)?

Foundation of English (FoE) is similar to English Time. The focus is on improving your weak points. The major difference between ET and FoE is that in Foundation of English, you meet the same teacher every week and they give you homework. In order to join FoE you need to meet with Petersen sensei to discuss the details further. You can email Petersen sensei here:

Step Up English

What is Step Up English?

Step-up English is a course that focuses on building students’ abilites in English academic writing. This class if focused on students who either want to study abroad or challenge themeseleves. Students are only allowed to join if the have an English level of TOEIC 650+ or if they get special permission from Petersen sensei.
ステップアップ・イングリッシュは、学生の英語アカデミックライティング能力を向上させることに重点を置いたコースです。このクラスは、留学を希望する学生や、自分を高めたいと考えている学生を対象としています。受講できるのは、TOEIC 650以上の英語レベルを持つ学生、またはピーターセン先生の特別な許可を得た学生のみです。

Super English

What is Super English?

Super English is a course that focuses on building students’ abilites in English debate, discussion and presenations. This class if focused on students who either want to study abroad or challenge themeseleves. Students are only allowed to join if their Step-Up English teacher recommends them or if they get special permission from Petersen sensei.